Save Our Rain Forest
A Unit on Plants for the Elementary Grades (3rd-6th)
The Amazon region of Brazil is the largest diverse tropical rain forest in the world and at one time had one of the highest deforestation rates (Skole, Chementowski, & Nobre, 1994). Brazil makes up 30% of the total percentage of the world’s tropical rain forest. It is as the one of the richest regions in the tropical ecosystems with over 235 tree species (Allan, 2013). Since 1988, Brazil has cleared more than 153,000 square miles of the Amazon rain forest resulting in one of the most extreme deforestation rates (Tollefson, 2013).

What is a tropical rain forest?
A tropical rain forest is found in warm and wet climates. A tropical rain forest gets from 69-390 inches of rain fall per year. The average yearly rainfall is between 69-79 inches. A tropical rain forest is found near the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn ( Tropical rain forest do not have the leaf color changes that a deciduous forest has.(Deciduous means trees that lose their leaves each fall.)
A tropical rain forest is found in warm and wet climates. A tropical rain forest gets from 69-390 inches of rain fall per year. The average yearly rainfall is between 69-79 inches. A tropical rain forest is found near the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn ( Tropical rain forest do not have the leaf color changes that a deciduous forest has.(Deciduous means trees that lose their leaves each fall.)
What is a temperate rain forest?
Not all rain forest are tropical rain forest. There are temperate rain forest found in temperate regions. Temperate regions are found between the tropics to the polar regions. The climates are moderate and usually don't experience extreme heat or cold. These zones go from the Tropics of Capricorn (at 23.5 degrees south) to the Antarctic region (66.5 degrees latitude) and the Tropic of Cancer (at 23.5 degrees north) to the Arctic region (66.5 degrees latitude). In the United States, the temperate rain forest are found in Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California. The British |
Columbia located in that area has a temperate rain forest as well ( In a temperate rain forest, the trees' leaves change color. In a tropical rain forest, the leaves do not change color and do not drop off all at once.
Where are the tropical and temperate rain forest?

Three effects of deforestation on ecosystems:
One effect of tropical deforestation on the ecosystems is the influence on local weather. The trees being cut down has resulted in moisture no longer being released from the leaves. This lack of moisture causes less rainfall in the area and drought.
A second effect of deforestation on the ecosystem is a depletion of top soil and its nutrients. The soil is not as rich because of the lack of leaf litter and the erosion of soil.
A third effect of deforestation is the decrease in biological diversity. Taking away the plants and animals habitats can cause species to die out.
The tropical rain forest serves as a home for a large number of plants and animals.
Allan, D. (2013, February). Deforestation. Retrieved March 16, 2014, from
Skole, D. L., Chomentowski, W. H., A, S. W., & Nobre, A. D. (1994). Physical and human dimensions of deforestation in Amazonia. Bioscience, 1-15. doi:10.2307/1312381
Tollefson, J. (2013). A Light in the Forest. Forest Affairs, 92(2), 141.
Allan, D. (2013, February). Deforestation. Retrieved March 16, 2014, from
Skole, D. L., Chomentowski, W. H., A, S. W., & Nobre, A. D. (1994). Physical and human dimensions of deforestation in Amazonia. Bioscience, 1-15. doi:10.2307/1312381
Tollefson, J. (2013). A Light in the Forest. Forest Affairs, 92(2), 141.